Thursday, February 11, 2010

You've Got Mail

Wuaahhh,, lama juga g nge-blog akibat ujian bertubi2 ToT
I saw pretty movie last week. bukan. bukan di 21. tapi dikamar. dvd dipinjemi. lengkap dengan laptop. external dvd. plus earphone nya haha. Thanks to Mb Destrina. Luph u dahh ^^
Firstly i was underestimate sama ni film. tapi yasudlah g ada yg lain hoho. Like another love story, crita berkisar penemuan jodoh si tokoh utama. yang menarik adalah cara mereka bertemu...

Alkisah si cewek (Kathleen) dan cowok (Frank) sama2 udah punya pasangan masing2 (let say, living together for long time lah). Frank dan Kath ni, temen chatting. mereka g pernah ketemu sama sekali. tapi bersahabat via email (judulnya aja You've Got Mail). Dengan Frank, Kath bisa dengan bebas menceritakan apapun. They shared alot of things. Kegiatan mereka. Mimpi2 mereka. Bahkan hal2 yang g penting sekalipun menjadi menarik utk dibahas. They can be theirself purely. In a real world, mereka saingan bisnis. si Kath mengelola toko buku kecil warisan ibunya. si Frank, pengusaha sukses putra mahkota pemilik kerajaan bisnis FOX yang membuka toko buku modern besar disebrang toko kecil punya Kath. kehadiran toko FOX bikin usaha si cewek bangkrut.

In a weird way, mereka selalu bertemu. sampai akirnya mereka berteman saat keduanya sudah sama2 sendiri. Walaupun Kath g tau kalo Frank tu sahabat dunia maya-nya.

Aku menyukai quotes2 pas mereka memutuskan mengakhiri hubungan masing-masing.
yang cewek lg di coffee shop sama kekasihnya. membicarakan hubungan mereka.
You're a wonderful person, Kathleen.

So are you.

And I'm honored that you want to be with
me because you would never be with anyone
who wasn't truly worthy --

I feel exactly the same way about you.

Oh, God, don't say that, please, that
just makes it worse. (haha, cowok sekalipun masih punya hati
untuk menjaga perasaan wanitanya agar tak terlalu terluka)

(he shakes his head)
You don't love me?

Frank shakes his head no.

Me either.

You don't love me?

Kathleen shakes her head no.

But we're so right for each other.
(this is the worst things i hate about broke-up.
penyangkalan bahwa semua baik-baik saja. Saya sudah
terlalu nyaman dengan anda,,,)

I know.

That woman on television, right?

Frank nods.

I mean, nothing's happened or anything.

i can't help myself.

What about you? Is there someone else?

Oh, somewhere out there, I'm sure.
Somewhere --
(she throws up her hands)
In cyberspace.

Cukup sepenggal percakapan singkat. Dan mereka saling melepaskan, melanjutkan hidup masing-masing. No fighting. No hurt feeling.. Kirain bakal terjadi pertarungan seru ala selebritis kalo mau cerai. atau at least ada adegan guyur mengguyur minuman ke wajah si cowok dan sedikit tamparan di pipi ala termehek-mehek (=p). ternyata mereka bisa membuatnya terasa manis. Layaknya perpisahan Dewi Lestari dan Marcell.. sangat dewasa..

Bahkan mereka saling tanya apakah ada orang lain yang membuat mereka nyaman. What a nice couple. Mereka menyadari mungkin selama ini relationship mereka cuman karena rutinitas semata. dan mungkin dengan saling melepaskan mereka bakal lebih bahagia,,,
menurutku tiap orang punya "cetakan"nya sendiri2. ada yang memang cocoknya sebagai pasangan. ada yg jauh lebih nyaman jika jadi sahabat atau sodaraan. it depens on our feel. just urself who knows exactly what it should be,,

Kalo yg cowok beda lagi. pas lagi di lift. listrik mati. dan dia terjebak didalam sama kekasihnya, petugas lift, sama seorang wanita dan anjingnya. Ketika lagi nunggu bantuan. tiba2 si wanita nyeletuk "If I ever get out of here, I'm going to
start speaking to my mother.I wonder what she's doing right this minute. I think of her... whenever I hear about a new pill. Ecstasy, Zoloft, Fenphen, I just think, I hope Mama knows about that".
Si petugas lift meneruskan "If I ever get out of here...I'm marrying Oreet. I love her. I should marry her. I don't know what's been stopping me". sambil menunjukkan foto kekasihnya yang nyelip di dompet. saat si cowok hendak meneruskan. kata2nya terhenti. He was realized that he don't know what he want exactly,,
Fiuhh,,jd mikir jg. What i really want exactly =)
  • What kind of guy i love? should he was older than me? kind of good boy or lil bit bad? should he was first child (like me?), in the middle, or last child? should he smart? Religion? Have a great job? is he a banker to? or enterpreneur? or expert in one subject? is he funny? or the quite one? is he cool? or humble? How about his parents? his family? his friends? his brother or sisters? sadly i don't think so exactly till now =( i have no criteria
  • What kind of job that i love most? Which make me full of passion. can stop to work. Even more, i can not separated when i doing my job or just playing my hobby hehe
  • What will i do 5 years again? should i have a "husband-wannabe"? hehe (not interesting to looking for a boyfriend). should i travelling around the world (eh Indonesia dulu deh) g kalah bagus kok =p. should i doing Hajj (amiiin) go to makkah. buying car. building my small-comfy-house. Hooohhh daydreaming ^^
  • And another " If i,,,,,i'm going to,,,"

Most of all, in last film. akhirnya si cewek tahu siapa temen emailnya sebenarnya. n she says "i want it to be you. i want it to be you so badly,,," Like another love story, it ended with "....and they happily ever after"

Someone told me "Jodoh itu seperti kematian. tidak ada yang pernah menduga kapan datangnya dan entah dengan cara apa datangnya". but for sure it will come to you someday,,

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